12émes Rencontres Suisses d’Origami
Les 14-15-16 avril 2023
After three long years, we are happy to announce that 12th Swiss origami convention will happen again in Geneva right after Easter 14-16 April 2023. It’s organized by Geneva origami group.
We will have three wonderful guests of honor:
David Gachepapier (Germany/Belgium)
Amandine Guerra (France)
Simon Cartier (Switzerland)
For those who were never in our convention:
- It’s a small but cozy one (around 50 people usually), many people love to come back.
- We have a convention site (Ferme Golay) which is open from morning till midnight.
- There isn’t a common place where to stay overnight. We put together a list of reasonable accommodations, which aren’t super expensive and which are close enough to the convention site. You can find them in attached forms.
- LANGUAGES: Majority of our participants speak French, English, or German. You certainly won’t be lost if you speak only one of them.
- Plus, we all speak ORIGAMI. We are glad to have everybody from beginners to advanced folders.
- There is always a small EXHIBITION on site. If you have models to show, bring them with you.
- Each convention has its THEME, for this year it is: “Pas que Pâques, tout le printemps…” (Not only Easter, but all of spring…) Let’s speak your imagination. It’s not a designer contest, everybody can participate and fold also models by other creators.
- WORKSHOPS: if you want to teach a model, you are most welcomed to do it! PLease, mention it in the form.
- CONVENTION BOOK: we also print a small convention book. If you have a diagram to share with us, you can do so by sending a pdf to me ([email protected]) till the end of January.
More about our Guests…
David Gachepapier
David is an inspiring paper-shaper living in Germany and Belgium.
In his own words: David “gachepapier“, vraiment? Oui oui, je conçois des modèles depuis 2008 et ça ne se fait pas souvent en un seul jet, le nom est donc programme. Inspiré initialement par la bande dessinée j’explore volontiers des directions graphiques diverses à l‘aide de techniques de pliage et de papiers tout aussi divers, voire de tissus. Mes modèles représentent en grande majorité des sujets vivants, comme des animaux, des personnages, des masques ou encore toutes sortes de créatures plus ou moins inquiétantes, j‘aime les modèles expressifs. J‘ai publié un premier ouvrage en collaboration avec Dáša Ševerová en 2019 et hante régulièrement les conventions d‘origami européennes.

Simon Cartier
In his own words: I’ve folded my first Origami models when I was 9 years old. I love to fold different designs. What I try, is to fold tiny tessellation. Some of them are my own designs. The inspiration I got from Eric Gjerde and Frank van Kollem.

Amandine Guerra
Amandine comes from France and she is a long-time participant at Swiss conventions, winning several times our contest.
In her own words: Le bateau traditionnel de ma grand-mère, le cygne de ma maîtresse d’école, des livres d’origami en guise de cadeau, puis surtout ma rencontre avec François Ziegler, en 2012: ainsi s’est transmise ma passion du partage et de l’origami. Depuis ma première convention, en 2013, à Dijon avec le MFPP, je privilégie les rencontres, dont les concours sont pour moi un moteur de création.
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