Online Origami Workshops

image by Gerardo Neorigami
In last 3 years I gave many workshops during different online events through different platforms.
I taught on Facebook, Instagram, Zoom, and Google Meet.
List of some origami online events I participated in:
GOC2 (Geometric origami convention 2) January 2023: Heptagonal Bowl
International Orkney Science Festival, September 2022: Triceratops Diatom
Orifold – Creasing Together, May 2022: Fractalesque box
IG Live, February 2022: Action Flower
Convención de Origami Argentina, October 2021: Campanula & Rings
Konvesi Origami Indonesia 4, October 2021: Dan’s Rossette
OWM2 (Origami World Marathon 2), August 2021: Hyperbolic Flower
Birmingham Virtual Mini Meeting, April 2021: Geometric Flower
Foldeas Hands-On Presentations, September 2020: paper Rainbows or how to reach the other end of the rainbow
OWM1 (Origami World Marathon 1), August 2020: Star Babushka
French Online Convention, May 2020: Psychedelic Flowers,
In-Person Origami Workshkops
For individuals or small groups up to 15 people. With or without a special theme (Christmas decoration, action origami, modular origami, tessellations etc.). For mixed groups or specifically for beginners or for advanced folders.
Space requirements: a chair and around a half-meter of space on the table for each participant.
Price: 50 CHF for 60 minutes workshop for maximum of 5 people, +5 CHF for each other person (maximum 15 people). Material included.

Workshops for Schools
Special workshops prepared for schools for whole or half-classes with special theme around geometry or art, depending on your needs and wishes. Those workshop are in-person.